A hay analysis is the first step to a healthy horse. Knowing what is in your hay is paramount in being able to give your horse what she needs. Would you buy food without reading the label?. A hay analysis is a nutrient label for your hay, the food your horse eats the most! Horses eat the same thing everyday, which is another reason a balanced diet is crucial. Even with the most expensive supplement, without a hay analysis, you're grasping at straws. A hay analysis will show you how much protein, fiber, sugar, and minerals are in the hay you are feeding . Why not know what to give, in the correct quantities. Let us assist you in building a balanced diet for your horse, giving you peace of mind .
When we do a hay analysis for you , we come to your hay stack an use the hay probed sampling from around the stack , at least 10 bales . Then sample is sent to the lab , we like equianalytical . When results come back , they are emailed to you with my description of your hay quality.
When we do a hay analysis for you , we come to your hay stack an use the hay probed sampling from around the stack , at least 10 bales . Then sample is sent to the lab , we like equianalytical . When results come back , they are emailed to you with my description of your hay quality.