Equine Wellness Services is Laura Cohen and Bob Dennis. We work together, ride together, help each other, learn from each other, push each other, check each other's work and talk, talk, talk about the horses. The picture at the top is Laura with Ursula sharing the sun on a frosty morning. If she is not behind her microscope or computer she is out with a horse doing more and more with less and less tack. Together, Laura and Bob have studied and attended seminars and clinics by hoof care leaders , equine body workers and veterinarians in a never ending effort to better serve the horse.
This is the amazing mane of a Norwegian Fjord . Some people will look at this and say: you should not let the horse do that. Not every horse and not every time. This guy has a curious and kind nature. The horse is a working partner during the trim. He has to balance, shift, think, and be mindful of the people around him. If he wants to politely check on me why would I say no? We have learned that if a horse is not behaving chances are that they do not know yet or they are in some discomfort and in either case patience should be the first tool out of the bag.